Turn up the volume for the
best experience
Brand Story

Yeowoon believes that one may express their individuality via style and color,
and we strive hard to help you do so.

Award Winning Designer

The owner designer, Soonhee, who has more than 20 years of experience, oversees all designs, production processes, and business administration.

yeowoon CEO Soonhee

About Company

Soonhee Jung is a jewellery designer who seeks for her own color and beauty wherever she goes.

Yeowoon's jewelry is... They value each individual's unique personality and seek out items that can enhance it.

Soonhee's distinct identity as a designer
It's not just a crucial life guide; it's also a way to enjoy the present. That is Yeowoon's philosophy.

Our Team

Special of Yeowoon

Our Location

Head Office

Haebong Building, 4th floors of Insa-dong 1-gil 7, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Offline Shop

Room 101, Donhwamun-ro 6-ga-gil 30, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea